Uncompromising support

The best technology
Heckler & Koch for Military & Law Enforcement

Calibre 40 mm x 53 HV

Ammunition box 32 rounds

Maximum effective range up to 1500 metres

Support weapon with large area of effect

Ammunition variety for concentrated firepower

The GMG fires belt-linked grenades in 40 mm x 53 calibre with an effective range of up to 1500 metres. Shooting individual rounds is also possible with the GMG. Suitable ammunition types range from fragmentation explosive rounds, battlefield illumination rounds, smoke ammunition for suppressing enemy reconnaissance, flash/bang practice ammunition up to shaped charge warheads used against hardened point and area targets. Using a fire-control system adaptable to the GMG, infrared-programmed airburst rounds can acquire targets behind cover.

GMG - Uncompromising support
Vehicle and object protection

In the role of an active self-protection system, the 40 mm high-velocity grenade machine gun is integrated into remote-controlled weapon stations. Under vehicle protection on battle tanks or lightly protected patrol vehicles, target acquisition and engagement is carried out fully electronically from the vehicle cabin by means of operating software. The GMG is also integrated into stand-alone weapon stations, which are predominantly used for object protection.

In use by the Bundeswehr
Technical specifications
Precision at a glance.
40 mm x 53
Operating Principle
Direkter Gasdrucklader
Bolt System
Masseverschluss, zuschießend
Feed Mechanism
Gurtzuführung von links oder rechts
Cartridge Case Ejection
Modes of Fire
Einzelfeuer / Dauerfeuer
Trigger Pull
120 N
Rate of Fire
340 Schuss/min
Muzzle Velocity -v5-
240 m/s 1
Barrel Profile/Twist
24-fach Zug-/Feldprofil, Rechtsdrall
Mechanisches Leitervisier / Reflexvisier
Effective Main Combat Range
1500 m

1 Munition: DM138 2 mit Oberlafette 3 ohne Zubehör 4 mit Oberlafette und Halterung für Munitionsbehälter 5 mit Oberlafette 6 ohne Zubehör 7 mit Oberlafette und Halterung für Munitionsbehälter 8 Ohne Mündungsfeuerdämpfer 9 ohne Zubehör

Values rounded. Dimensions and weights may vary depending on the configuration. Subject to technical changes.


For any mission requirement. The variants of the GMG product family.

Made for Safety

We want people to be able to live safely. Our products are designed to protect people in free democratic countries from threats and violence. Heckler & Koch is the leading manufacturer of small arms for NATO and EU countries.
